In our Lear Year mastermind group, we focus on increasing your reach and revenue.
Leap Year is for solopreneurs and micro businesses with 5 or less employees. It’s challenging to run a micro business on your own. In meetings, bring the most important topic or problems for you and your business.
Whether you want to talk about marketing, or pricing a new offer, or dealing with a difficult customer — we’re here for you!
Need to talk through an idea? Make a wise strategic decision? Leap Year members help each other to shorten the learning curve by using the collective genius of the group.
See the list below for examples of the full range of topics members often bring to their hot seats.
Look at the benefits of joining the Leap Year Mastermind Group
Embark on an adventure to:
As part of your Leap Year membership, you’ll be a member of your own dedicated, private mastermind group. Imagine a mastermind group who holds your feet to the fire so you can be accountable for putting your plans into action. You’ll be in the hot seat each month to bring your questions and challenges for the group’s feedback and advice. Because you are all small business owners, you’ll get great ideas from listening to other members’ hot seat discussions, too!
The strength of the group lets you find creative answers to your challenges, share knowledge and experience, and find support and accountability to help you achieve real results.
Find out what’s working well for others and which tools and resources really bring results. Save time by getting focused answers to your specific questions from a group that cares about your success.
I respect them and they understand me: I have great respect for each member of our group. Knowing when we bring something up we will get honest, thoughtful, and insightful answers is wonderful — whether it is getting a great suggestion or solution, called out on my limiting beliefs, or some rah-rah support and encouragement.
In most cases, there are great lessons for me in listening to and pondering others’ concerns and thoughts when they are in the hot seat.
I like rubbing elbows with small business owners who are intelligent, motivated, and can understand what it is like to have your own business. I always trust that their opinions and comments will come from an honest, constructive, and caring place.
Sometimes just a little thing that was said can make a big difference to help me initiate change in my business or better understand myself.
Dr. Susan Burger, Riverside Chiropractic & Vitality Center
Hi, I’m Karyn Greenstreet, a small business consultant and mastermind group expert. I’ve been a business owner for more than 20 years and I facilitate the Leap Year mastermind group.
I’ve been running mastermind groups since 1994, and am the founder of The Success Alliance website, blogging and teaching about mastermind groups since 2001. The first article I wrote about mastermind groups has been shared over 74,000 times!
I have worked with micro business owners in over 53 industries, helping them design and grow their businesses. This gives me special insight into how to solve problems quickly and find focus/clarity as a business owner — all information I’ll share with you as part of our hot seats in Leap Year.
The Leap Year group will consist of members who are hand-selected by me, so you know you will be surrounded by like-minded people.
Important details
When do we meet?
Makes it all easier: We learn best by helping each other through things. No one has all the answers on their own.
The whole point of our mastermind group is about support — and the fact that it’s very hard to do things totally on my own. We come together to support each other to create what they most want in life. It makes it easier to be curious, inventive and inspirational in my business…it just makes it all easier.
The synergy catalyzes so much more than just sitting and thinking by yourself.
Jim Granger, mentor and coach
We’re here to support you and your whole business and marketing model, both practical problems and self-development challenges. Members talk about a full range of business situations, like:
…And anything else that comes up for you and your business. We’re here to help.
Leap Year is perfect for you if:
Who should NOT join Leap Year?
These type of people should not join a mastermind group:
What kind of accountability can I expect from this group?
One of the most valuable aspects of a mastermind group is the accountability you experience from your fellow group members and Karyn. Announcing your goals and then returning to the next meeting to report your progress is a powerful motivator to get things done.
How will I measure my progress in Leap Year?
Before the first meeting, you’ll receive a pre-assessment form. This form will give you space to talk about the current status of your business, and where you’d like it to go. You’ll be able to fill in specific goals for your Leap Year program and set your own measures for progress.
When you’re in the Hot Seat, I’ll ask you about your progress toward your goals. If you’re stuck in achieving your goals, the group will brainstorm with you creative and practical ways to get unstuck quickly.
At the end of the program you can easily see how much you’ve accomplished.
Priceless support and brainstorming: I have to tell you what a difference my mastermind group has made in my life, both personally and professionally. Being a part of such a wonderfully warm and supportive group of other self-employed people has been priceless.
Knowing that there is a group of professionals who jump up and down when I have a success, or brainstorm a solution when I hit a brick wall, or who share resources when I have a question, or who help me sort things out when I feel overwhelmed, or who can relate when I just need to vent — these all mean so much to me. I am sure that I would not be as close to reaching my goals without this group.
To think of the many self-employed individuals out there, doing it on their own and the time they waste, the trial-and-error they go through, the wrong moves, and untapped resources — I am so thankful I am not one of them (any more)!
Jamie Novak, professional organizer, speaker and author of four books
Be prepared for amazing results: I was in your mastermind group last year. Next Wednesday I’m doing a two-hour mastermind group support meeting for a local church, to launch some mastermind groups there. We were expecting 20 to 40 people to show interest. They cut off registration at 130, and had to schedule another meeting in a few weeks to handle the overflow!
I just wanted you to know that mastermind groups spread, impacting hundreds (if not thousands) of people. I would strongly recommend your mastermind group — and be prepared for amazing things to happen as a result!
Joe H. Jones, Founder of Transition Masters
$350 a month, for 4 months
If you’re interested in the Leap Year Mastermind Group, let’s talk. Complete the form below and we’ll schedule a time to talk about your situation and what help you’re seeking from a mastermind group.
Join this exclusive group to boost your business and attract your ideal customers.
Once you fill out the Interest form, we’ll set up a time to talk about your business goals and discuss your current challenges and plans. This way, you can be sure if Leap Year is right for you.
Always forward, ever upward,
Willing to share: Thanks for a great first experience in a mastermind group. You were a dynamic facilitator, coach and educator! It’s comforting to know there are others out there who have similar issues to mine and are willing to share their resources and wisdom.
Doreen Amatelli, MBA, healthcare research consultant