About The Success Alliance and Karyn Greenstreet, Mastermind Group Expert


About The Success Alliance™

Our mission is to foster communication, brainstorming, learning, and problem-solving among mastermind group Facilitators.

We help you grow your individual or organizational mastermind groups — and to help you tap your fullest potential as a Facilitator.

Karyn Greenstreet

Karyn Greenstreet
Founder of
The Success Alliance™

10,000 mastermind groups — that’s my dream.

If I could help 10,000 people create and run mastermind groups, then those 10,000 people would profoundly impact the world for the good of everyone.

The idea of our ripple effect as mastermind group facilitators thrills me. Do you realize how much your ripple effect helps your mastermind group members and everyone in their lives?

I believe mastermind groups are the wave of the future. I get calls and emails daily from people across the globe, wanting to know more about mastermind groups. After people have tried self-help and training classes, mastermind groups are the way to help people everywhere on our planet to reach their goals and dreams, to create a fulfilling, successful, and happy life.

Thank you for visiting our website, joining our mailing list, and being part of the tribe of mastermind group facilitators. I appreciate your interest and support. Together, we can help people and organizations create more significant and sustainable success.

Zero to globally-recognized expert in two decades

Just one mastermind group.

That’s all it took for me to be all-in back in 1994. My brain lit up. I’m driven by working with people, helping them get what they want in a more effective way by showing them things they don’t know. Because of this, mastermind groups spoke to me in a fundamental way.

It turns out that I have an instinctive knack for matching people. That first experience kicked off a decade stuffed full of mastermind groups with me at the helm. During this time, people kept asking me about how to start and maintain their own mastermind groups.

I taught my first class on mastermind group creation and facilitation in 2004.

The bona fides

I wrote several chapters for the FIRST book ever written about how to run a mastermind group, Meet and Grow Rich.

In addition to being a small business consultant and mastermind group facilitator for twenty years, I’m an entrepreneur who has started and run five small businesses since 1985 … three of which I’ve sold.

In over 20 years of being a small business consultant, I’ve mentored more than 290,000 individuals: from business owners of all sizes to major professional associations and Chambers of Commerce. These professionals hail from over 100 industries, and from countries all across the globe.

One Action NowI’m also the author of One Action Now: Get Focused, Stay on Track, and Get More Done in Your Business, as well as a contributing author to three books, Meet and Grow Rich by Joe Vitale and Bill Hibbler, World Class Speaking by Craig Valentine and Mitch Meyerson, and Streetwise Small Business Book of Lists by Gene Marks.

I’ve designed over 100 classes across a swath of topics like success and motivation, business skills, and software education. I’ve been quoted in publications like Entrepreneur and The New York Times. According to Google, I’ve been quoted tens of thousands of times on the internet, too.

Let’s create a win-win

I work with people and organizations eager to maximize their potential. I’d love to talk to you about how I can help you move forward faster with your mastermind groups, without the overwhelm that can sometimes bring.

If you’re interested in working with me privately or joining one of my mastermind groups or classes, please contact me today.

Mastermind Group Success Starts Here

Free Video Tutorial

Free 3-part video tutorial
Step-by-step guidance to get started