Find a Mastermind Group - List Updated Monthly

Find a Mastermind Group

Looking for a mastermind group to join? Here’s a list of people looking for new members. Some are personal success mastermind groups, some are mastermind groups focused on business or professional topics.

Want to learn how to start a mastermind group? Click here to get my free video tutorial on how to create a mastermind group of your own.

If you are interested in joining one of these mastermind groups, contact the Facilitator in the listing directly for more information.

Find a Mastermind Group to Join Here…

Synergy Mastermind Group

Audience: Small business owners and solopreneurs who run mastermind groups as part of their business offerings

Groups Meet: Meets via video conference

Group Description: Our focus is to help you design, market and run thriving mastermind groups, as part of your overall business model. We focus on three things:

  • Tap into the collective wisdom of the group to design smart marketing plans and quickly solve problems as they arise.
  • Get support and accountability as you create your marketing materials and launch your marketing campaigns.
  • Make wiser decisions, gain clarity and focus… so you can get things done!

You get the information, ideas and support you need to move forward faster, make wise decisions, and share best practices. Join me and other mastermind group facilitators for this business-building mastermind group.

Group begins June 11, 2024

Website: Click here for the mastermind group website

Maximum Group Size: 6

Language: English

New or Existing: This is a NEW COHORT of an EXISTING GROUP

Karyn Greenstreet

Karyn Greenstreet
+1 610-381-4332

SHE goes Mastermind

Audience: Women Entrepreneurs

Groups Meet: Meets via video conference

Group Description:
Our mastermind groups are made up of a community of women entrepreneurs dedicated to personal and professional growth.

Participation can clarify your goals, create an actionable plan, and act upon it with group support and accountability.

Connect with like-minded women building successful businesses, outline your vision, leap over obstacles, and reach your potential.

Topics include work-life balance, innovation and creativity, strategic goal setting, and more!

Website: Click here for the mastermind group website

Maximum Group Size: 6

Language: English

New or Existing: This is a NEW GROUP group looking for members

Megan Holbrook

Megan Holbrook
+1 435-640-7659


Ritamac Stretegic Business Mastermind Group

Audience: Business owners who produce $300K-$3M revenue yr

Groups Meet: Meets via video conference

Group Description:
The groups meet vertually for 2-4 hrs once a month depending on the group level choosen by the client.

At 2 hrs we do a check-in (How I’m doing 1 to 10), an education piece related to biz issues or accounting and issues brought to the group by Biz owner’s.

At 3 hrs we add time to review each clients Std P&L and KPI’s as a group.

At 4 hrs we lenthen the education time and the time for more issues.

Issues cover accounting percentages, how the KPI’s are trending, HR problems, Is it time to expand?

Website: Click here for the mastermind group website

Maximum Group Size: 8

Language: English

New or Existing: This is an EXISTING GROUP group looking for members

Mark Crosby

Mark Crosby
+1 760-310-5417



Audience: Successful Women Entrepreneurs Seeking Fulfillment

Groups Meet: Meets via video conference

Group Description:
Transform your success into soul-singing fulfillment with MasterSoul©, a mastermind for visionary Black women entrepreneurs.

Navigate intersectionality with power and grace through radical self-care, ancestral celebration, and systemic change.

Discuss overcoming systemic barriers, balancing personal joy with professional achievement, and crafting a legacy.

Enjoy personalized attention, expert mentoring, and a supportive community for profound growth and empowerment.

Website: Click here for the mastermind group website

Maximum Group Size: 10

Language: English

New or Existing: This is a NEW GROUP group looking for members

Jennifer Campbell

Jennifer Campbell


Spark Good Collective

Audience: Entrepreneurs Creating Profit & Purpose Businesses

Groups Meet: Meets via video conference

Group Description: Ideal if you:

  • Are a solo business owner
  • Have had sales
  • Want to make money but also:
  • Want to create positive social change through your work
  • Want a business you run…..instead of it running you!
  • Seek to ‘do business’ in a way that centers humanity and ditches hustle culture
  • Are open to professional & personal development along the entrepreneurial journey.

Includes monthly hot seats for all members, goal setting & action planning and 1:1 support from business coach.

Website: Click here for the mastermind group website

Maximum Group Size: 8

Language: English

New or Existing: This is a NEW GROUP group looking for members

Stephani Malon Rufi

Stephanie Malon-Rufi
+1 612-281-6053


Emerging Sales Leader Collective

Audience: Emerging B2B Sales Leaders

Groups Meet: Meets via video conference

Group Description: How do you crush it at work without crushing your soul?

You’re caught between the demands of management and the needs of your team, but your own needs get lost.

You know you’re good at sales, but you’re but you’re being pulled in so many directions now that you lead a team. What you need is a community and a safe space to productively talk about work challenges.

It’s time to grow your career and build your success as a leader.

Website: Click here for the mastermind group website

Maximum Group Size: 12

Language: English

New or Existing: This is a NEW GROUP group looking for members

Motti Attia

Motti Attia
+1 303-809-4510


Strengths-Based Mastermind

Audience: Solopreneurs, Small Business Owners, Coaches

Groups Meet: Meets via video conference

Group Description: Unlock your full potential with Brent O’Bannon, the world’s first Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, and a Master Certified Coach.

Grow stronger, work smarter, and lead wiser by leveraging the power of your CliftonStrengths® (aka StrengthsFinder®) with our Strengths-Based Masterminding program.

Take your business to the next level, champion your strengths, and develop your leadership potential!
Apply to Strengths-Based Masterminding today and 10X your success!

Website: Click here for the mastermind group website

Maximum Group Size: 10

Language: English

New or Existing: This is an EXISTING GROUP group looking for members

Brent O'Bannon

Brent O’Bannon
+1 903-819-0301


Upward Spiral

Audience: Small business owners (or co-owners)

Groups Meet: Meets in-person, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland

Group Description: Small business owners helping each other address the various challenges they face in their business – operations, sales, marketing, recruiting, personal effectiveness, etc.

A friendly culture but one focused on getting things done.

A spirit of reciprocity where members give their best help & support to each other – knowing that the same help will be coming their way when it’s their turn.

Website: Click here for the mastermind group website

Maximum Group Size: 8

Language: English

New or Existing: This is a NEW GROUP group looking for members

Brendan Cullen

Brendan Cullen
+353 86-3788076


Grow Your Business Mastermind

Audience: Life Coaches in First Five Years of Business

Groups Meet: Meets via video conference

Group Description: Many coaches don’t make it due to insufficient business skills. Be the one who makes it.

Get messaging, marketing, & mindset help to move your business ahead.

You receive monthly time in the Love Seat, personalized mind map, Q&A call, mindset audio recording, instant feedback.

Having your own board of trusted advisors maximizes your business success & has you feeling supported, confident, and yes, even loved and respected. Kiss the imposter goodbye. You’re moving on without him.

Website: Click here for the mastermind group website

Maximum Group Size: 5

Language: English

New or Existing: This is a NEW GROUP group looking for members

Gina Mongiello

Gina Mongiello
+1 201-396-0909


Career Acceleration Mastermind

Audience: Working Professionals, Women who need confidence

Groups Meet: Meets via video conference

Group Description: Mastermind For Career Advancement

Topics Covered in the Mastermind Include:

  • Career Goal Setting – Prioritizing what you focus on in your career
  • Career Planning – Creating plans for your career goals
  • Career Relationship Building – Deep dive into creating strategic partnerships to move your career forward
  • Career Branding – What career messages are most impactful to building your reputation
  • Career Technology – What technology can you use to manage and grow your career

Website: Click here for the mastermind group website

Maximum Group Size: 12

Language: English

New or Existing: This is a NEW GROUP group looking for members

Simone Morris

Simone Morris
+1 929-399-6241


Success Teams – Embracing Life’s Next Adventure

Audience: Women ready to embrace life’s next adventure

Groups Meet: Meets via video conference

Group Description: Today many women – often midlife and mid-career – are settling for the life they are living instead of creating a life they love. I offer women-focused mastermind groups, created for women led by women, so that we can once again live a life we love, the life we were meant to live.

Success Teams is an intimate 8-week supportive, structured group that helps you reach your goals. The team keeps you accountable, moving forward, and helps you get past the ‘stuck’ spots (including that first step!) that we ALL hit when we’re embracing life’s next adventure.

Website: Click here for the mastermind group website

Maximum Group Size: 5

Language: English

New or Existing: This is a NEW GROUP group looking for members

Michelle Murphy

Michelle Murphy


High-Performance Medicine Masterminds

Audience: Veterinarians; Large and Small

Groups Meet: Meets in-person and via video conference

Group Description: High Performance Medicine Masterminds specialize in the conversion of veterinary professionals from day-to-day laborers, who play whack-a-mole with their personal and professional problems, and instead helps empower them to take true ownership of their personal and professional lives.

Participants will leave the Mastermind with new ideas, clear goals, a feeling of accountability to the group and a re-invigorated energy for personal and professional excellence.

Website: Click here for the mastermind group website

Maximum Group Size: 6

Language: English

New or Existing: This is a NEW GROUP looking for members

Dr Eric Rooker

Eric Rooker


Mastermind Group Success Starts Here

Free Video Tutorial

Free 3-part video tutorial
Step-by-step guidance to get started