Personal Growth is Never Finished
The Success Alliance


Personal Growth is Never Finished

Personal growth is never finished

By Karyn Greenstreet

I’m noticing lately, in myself and in others, how we must continually work towards our own personal growth. There are always lessons to learn (and re-learn!).

I had done a huge amount of personal growth work when I was in my 30s. For a decade, I worked solidly towards uncovering limiting beliefs, keeping a positive mental attitude, creating a vision for what I wanted. I instilled these habits in my daily life, and it got me through my 40s and early 50s.

Lately I’ve felt a calling to go back and revisit some of my favorite speakers and authors from the past: Les Brown, Norman Vincent Peale, Shakti Gawain, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer. It’s been fascinating, as I’m coming at it from an entirely different perspective than when I was younger. I know everything they say is true because I’ve experienced it first-hand.

Still today, there are places where I can polish up my mindset, and grow some more. Every bump in the road is a lesson, every goal achieved is a lesson.

And it reminds me that much of our work as mastermind group facilitators is to help others with their personal growth. As our members work towards their goals, they will come up against their own thoughts, their own limiting beliefs, their own toxic environments. By reviewing personal growth material, by listening to motivational speakers, you may be reminded of something for your mastermind group members, something that will be exactly the key idea they need to hear today, even if you heard it yourself and mastered it yourself 20 years ago.

So keep sharpening the saw, do your own personal growth work, but keep an eye and ear open for messages that are not for you, but instead for a member of your group.

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