How Mindset Holds Your Members Back
The Success Alliance


How Mindset Holds Your Members Back

Mastermind group success system

By Karyn Greenstreet

You have many roles as a mastermind group facilitator. You pay attention to the flow and depth of the conversations. You monitor everyone’s understanding of a member’s situation. You help members to set goals and make action plans – and so much more!

Along with these regular roles, one key role is empowering your members to be as successful as they can be.

So how do you help the struggling member?

But what do you when a member isn’t moving forwards towards his goals and achieving the success he says he wants?

To ensure member success, I use an 8-part “success system” and from this system I’ll share today about one aspect: Mindset

Your member has lofty goals. He has a smart action plan.

He seems to have it all together, yet he’s not getting results. Why?

Help your member manage his mindset

It’s possible that self-talk is the culprit.

  • What is he saying to himself inside his head?
  • Is his self-talk empowering or disempowering?

Imagine that he’s saying he doesn’t deserve success or that making the needed change is too hard. What he’s repeatedly saying to himself will affect both the choices he makes and the actions he takes.

Another possible reason is his limiting beliefs about the way the world works or about what’s possible and not possible. Limiting beliefs cause your member to not take action or to take the wrong action. Limiting beliefs hold your member back.

He says he can’t charge $600 a month for his program. He says he can’t find a reliable assistant because no one he knows has had a good assistant.

But are these beliefs true?

How do you know what’s going on in his head?

It’s all about listening and observing:

  • What does your member say when he’s in the Hot Seat?
  • What does he say about his goals and projects?
  • What does he say about why he thinks things are (or are not) working?
  • What does he say during other members’ Hot Seats that reinforce your knowledge of his belief system?
  • What decisions does he make, and do those decisions help him move forward or hold him back?
  • What actions is he taking (or not taking), and are they helpful or hurtful to reaching his goals?

What can you do to help?

You can’t motivate a member to move in a specific direction, nor should you try to persuade him that one path is better than another path. He must make his own decisions and have the self-direction to take appropriate and consistent action.

When you consistently hear his self-talk or limiting beliefs arise in your meetings, you can:

  • Point out to him that he has expressed this self-talk or limiting belief before.
  • Point out when he’s assuming something that might not be true.
  • Teach him how to create new self-talk that’s more empowering.

To ensure your members’ success, create your own mastermind group “success system” of tools and techniques. I have a class starting on June 1 and I’ll outline all 8 of the components you need for your mastermind group success system. Read more about it here.

Want to learn how to start a mastermind group? Click here to get my free video tutorial on how to create a mastermind group of your own.

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