Facilitating Virtual Mastermind Groups
The Success Alliance


Facilitating Virtual Mastermind Groups

Facilitating Virtual Mastermind Groups

By Karyn Greenstreet

People often ask me:

  1. Can mastermind groups can be run virtually so that members can join from anywhere in the world?
  2. What is different about virtual mastermind groups versus running in-person groups?

Let’s answer those two questions…

The answer to the first question is an unequivocal “Yes!”

All the mastermind groups I run today are virtual, and I’ve been running virtual mastermind groups since 2002.

I have members from USA and Canada, all over Europe, Russia, South Africa, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.

It’s so convenient when members can join meetings from their home or office. And if you have members who travel, they can dial in from their phones, so they don’t miss a meeting.

There are some differences

  • Because your group isn’t meeting in-person, your own skills as a facilitator need to be as strong as possible. You must create ways for members to bond with each other and build trust. Facilitating the discussions and brainstorming requires you to bridge the technology and help your members communicate effectively.
  • When I first started running virtual mastermind groups, we used teleconferencing services. Today, I’m using video conferencing which allows members to see each other and create a stronger bond. Choose a technology platform that allows your members to connect with each other deeply.
  • If your members are in a wide range of time zones where a single meeting time doesn’t work for everyone, consider using an online message forum or social media group for communication. Members can post text-based messages, or create short videos to share their thoughts. You do miss out on the connection that comes from all meeting at the same time, but you gain by offering members a way to connect that meets their personal needs, even if it’s not realtime.

Steps to setting up your virtual mastermind group:

  1. Choose a technology platform. I use Zoom video conferencing with my mastermind groups because it’s accessible to most people throughout the world. There are also many teleconferencing services available; just make sure they have dial-in numbers worldwide. If you choose to meet via message forum or social media group, make sure each of your members has a login ID and can easily use the software.
  2. Set your meeting dates and time. Pay attention to time zones, and if your members’ countries change their clocks for daylight savings time or not. You can use the World Clock website to calculate time zones across the globe.
  3. Make sure your members know how to use the technology. Consider scheduling a practice session where everyone can make sure they can access the platform properly. Or, create a text or video tutorial which tells them how to login and use the platform. Don’t assume your members know how to use the platform you’ve chosen; they might be able to login, but do they know how to access and use the platform for your masterminding?
  4. Choose ground rules. If it’s a video meeting, must all members show up on the video, or can they turn off their video? How will members indicate that they would like to jump into the conversation, especially if you can’t see each other? What is the meeting agenda? If you are using a message forum or social media group, what is the protocol for asking for and giving help?

Virtual mastermind groups are a wonderful opportunity for you to connect with members worldwide. With a little planning — and the sharpening of your facilitation skills — your groups will soar!

Got questions about virtual mastermind groups? Leave a comment below!

Want to learn how to start a mastermind group? Click here to get my free video tutorial on how to create a mastermind group of your own.

8 thoughts on “Facilitating Virtual Mastermind Groups”

  1. Raymond Estill says:

    I always ran mastermind groups locally here in Dallas. But my members started to tell their colleagues about it and the new people aren’t from Dallas. Can I run my meetings both here in Dallas and virtually at the same time?

    1. Karyn Greenstreet says:

      Hi, Raymond, that’s a great question! You have a few choices. You can divide your groups, some of which meet in-person and some that meet virtually. Or, run hybrid meetings, where people who can meet in-person sit around a table with a video conferencing screen in view. That way, non-local people can still access the meeting remotely. You’ll need a special setup in the room with a large monitor. Or have in-room participants use their smartphone or laptop to be IN the video conference as well as live in the physical room. (If you do this, have one central microphone, and everyone in the physical room should mute the microphone on their device. Otherwise, you’ll have audio feedback loops and echoing!)

  2. Daan says:

    I’ve run live masterminds for years on end for my personal life. But since we started Tribepreneurs we’ve shifted to virtual only. It allows me to travel the world and still help people

    We use specific handgestures to communicate non verbally while we are in the meeting. This strengthens the social dynamics.

    We launch our mastermind program with a kick off meeting, that deepens levels of safety and trust

    Our members feel super surprised to be connected over Zoom, yet feel as if they are in the same room together! It works! I was also surprised!

    1. Karyn Greenstreet says:

      Sounds like virtual mastermind groups give you some personal freedom, Daan, as well as offer benefits to your members!

  3. Tim Ouellette says:

    I’m considering adding mastermind group offerings centering on middle-age solopreneurs running online blogging businesses as an additional income stream to my online media business. If I’m considering facilitating multiple groups what type of fee structure would you suggest?

    1. Karyn Greenstreet says:

      There’s a lot to think about when putting together your fee structure, Tim. Have you seen my blog post on setting fees?

  4. Brendan Cullen says:

    Karyn that video is superb. So pragmatic. So useful. Well done – and thanks!

    1. Karyn Greenstreet says:

      You’re welcome, Brendan!

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