Designing 90-Day Challenges for Your Mastermind Group
The Success Alliance


Designing 90-Day Challenges for Your Mastermind Group

Mastermind group members (and private clients) can get lost in the “thinking and planning” stages of any endeavor. Let’s face it — brainstorming about new ideas is fun and exciting! But new ideas aren’t enough.

If you want your members to be successful, a 90-day Challenge is perfect for getting them into action. One of the most important benefits of being in a mastermind group is that you create and implement an action plan. So, focusing your members on the action part of a project gives them rapid momentum. We could all use that, right?

8-Step checklist for creating your 90-day Challenge

  1. Pick the dates for your 90-day time frame. Everyone in the group should be working on their Challenge simultaneously, so vote on the 90-day period that everyone will use. Don’t give members time to “think about it,” or it will never happen. People will procrastinate on picking a date so they don’t have to commit to getting tasks done. Better yet, just pick the time frame yourself and announce it to the group, as long as it’s far enough in advance that people don’t have prior engagements.
  2. Have each mastermind group member choose what goal they’ll accomplish in 90 days. Will you all work on the same goal, like losing 12 pounds in 90 days, writing a book in 90 days, or implementing a marketing campaign? Or will each person choose their unique goal for the Challenge? Read: Getting Your Mastermind Group to Set and Keep Goals
  3. Set the parameters for the definition of success. Ask each member to write down specific tasks they will have accomplished at the end of the 90 day period. Make sure the tasks are specific, reasonable, doable, and measurable.
  4. If it’s appropriate, have each member also list smaller milestones, the date when they’ll complete the milestone task, and how that milestone task will lead to the bigger goal. It’s so easy to get off track in 90 days, so breaking down the big goal into smaller chunks will ensure that people have created a 90-day plan that’s actually possible to do. (There’s no sense in self-sabotaging by choosing tasks that aren’t reasonable.)
  5. Have mastermind group members list what resources they’ll need to accomplish the 90-day goal. Will they need to hire a specific sub-contractor? Find financing? Signup for a class? Read a book? Buy workout equipment? Talk with a partner?
  6. Each member should list what might get in their way of accomplishing their 90-day goal. Will their family and friends support them or sabotage them? Will time management be an issue? What will they do if they self-sabotage this 90-day Challenge through procrastination, distraction or rebellion? It pays to think ahead about what could detour you and make a plan to circumvent the problem before it crops up. (As the coach and facilitator, it’s your job to be prepared to assist your clients when mindset problems get in the way of success.)
  7. Decide on how often you’ll check in with each other. This type of Challenge needs a lot of support and encouragement. It’s easy to get off track, even for one or two days. (And when people get off track, they might decide to dump the whole 90-day Challenge project!) Checking in with others regularly will ensure that small setbacks don’t become a threat to your overall success in the Challenge.
  8. Decide on how the check-ins will occur.  Will you check in as a group live on a Zoom meeting? Will you check in via an online message forum or a private Facebook group? Perhaps accountability buddies might work? Ask the mastermind group to vote on the best, most convenient way to do check-ins. If it’s not convenient, people won’t use it.

You’ll love how 90-day Challenges perk up your mastermind group members and get them to achieve something remarkable! This is the perfect exercise to do with your members after a summer holiday or to start a new year off right. (And create a 90-day Challenge for yourself, too!)

Want to learn how to start a mastermind group? Click here to get my free video tutorial on how to create a mastermind group of your own.

13 thoughts on “Designing 90-Day Challenges for Your Mastermind Group”

  1. Mary Witherspoon says:

    I love this idea. Our group is meeting next week and I’ll bring this up. I’m sure they’ll go wild for it because we are a very action oriented group and we do better with challenges and plans. Thanks, Karyn!

  2. Eugenia at Norwood says:

    Great idea; I always rise to a challenge. I just wish I could get some people interested in a Mastermind group. I’ve tried for years, with no success. I think a lot of small business owners are too independent by nature to be attracted to groups, clubs, etc., with their connotations of boring, time-consuming and unproductive meetings, group-think, and other ills.

    1. Karyn Greenstreet says:

      Sounds like you’re not talking to the right people, Eugenia. I personally have started several dozen mastermind groups for small business owners and solo entrepreneurs, and I know a lot of my trained Facilitators have done the same thing. I was a member of one mastermind group for solo entrepreneurs which met monthly (without fail!) for NINE YEARS. 🙂

  3. Meggin McIntosh says:

    OUTSTANDING! You are the queen of all things mastermind… Fabulous idea and my brain is already perking along on this…


    1. Karyn Greenstreet says:

      I’m thinking, Meggin, that you could use this at the beginning of every quarter, to get your mastermind groups moving forward with renewed vigor! 🙂

  4. Brenda Bomgardner says:

    Karyn, thank you for your generosity. You share great ideas and I find them useful for a broad range of groups and workshops I facilitate.

    The 90 days is an ideal time frame. I encourage people to identify 9 steps they need to take in 90 days to reach their goal. In other words, it is how to eat an elephant type plan.

    Before we step up to the starting line I like to have people create a vision board with the theme of their goal.

    Accountability is such a BIG piece of the goal and seems a little slippery when getting people follow through.

    1. Karyn Greenstreet says:

      I love the idea of marrying a 90-day plan with a vision board, Brenda.

  5. Leslie Flowers says:

    These are spot on Karyn! I’ve been facilitating Masterminds for 7 years and I use every single one of your tips! You are most gracious to share these with everyone. The big question will be … what will they DO with the information! Thank you.

    Leslie Flowers

    1. Karyn Greenstreet says:

      I’m glad you’re finding these tips helpful, Leslie. It sounds like you’ve got some great groups going!

  6. gail says:

    Such valuable tips. Thank you Karyn! In perfect timing for my mastermind and one I’m about to offer.

    1. Karyn Greenstreet says:

      Have fun with these ideas, Gail. 🙂

  7. Alicia says:

    Yes this is an exciting idea! Thanks for sharing it! We have a special meeting each quarter to develop our 90 day plans so I might break this into 3-30 day challenges. They can focus on a different aspect of their project. So fun!! (Amazing the things that get us going!!)

    1. Karyn Greenstreet says:

      That’s a great idea, Alicia. It takes working through a project into bite-sized chunks that members can get their heads around!

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