Your Purpose in Life - Roger's Legacy
The Success Alliance


Your Purpose in Life – Roger’s Legacy

By Karyn Greenstreet

My father died two weeks ago. It’s been a whirlwind of grief alongside of hugs, laughter and happy memories. I will always be amazingly grateful to both my parents who raised us to be warm, kind and loving human beings.

And his death reminds me of the question, “What are we put on this planet for?”

Some people are fortunate enough to know what their purpose in life is, what gives life meaning for them. I know my purpose is to empower other people to create the life they want. My Dad’s purpose might have been to share a smile and a joke, helping to uplift people. (Everyone wrote in their condolence cards that they remember the twinkle in his eye and his smile, and that he was fun and silly sometimes.) Or maybe his purpose was to nurture his flower garden, feed his humming birds, and raise a loving family. Who knows?

I’m not sure that he consciously said to himself that he had a purpose, but he left a legacy — through his actions — that seems to reflect what gave meaning to his life. We all take action based on what we value, and what we want to give and receive from the world — whether we can consciously say “I have a purpose” or not.

We sometimes forget how quickly time passes. My father’s death reminds me that I need to walk my path and purpose NOW, because we don’t know when life will throw us a curve-ball and sidetrack our best intentions. For those of us who want to live our lives on purpose, there isn’t room for dawdling and procrastination.

So, if you know your purpose, get out there and ACT on it, don’t wait. And if you’re not sure of what will bring meaning and value to your life, take some time now to explore different paths, so you don’t waste one precious moment. Your purpose doesn’t have world-changing, it just has to be meaningful to you. (And for those of you who teach others how to find their purpose, values and vision — bravo! You have one of the best jobs in the universe.)

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2 thoughts on “Your Purpose in Life – Roger’s Legacy”

  1. Karyn, I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for all you do through your life and work. I have learned much from you and created a mastermind group after attending one of your programs and reading your blogs. Though I don’t know you personally, I am fortunate to have benefitted from your purpose here. Thank you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.
    Angela Noble-Grange

    1. Karyn Greenstreet says:

      Thank you, Angela. I’m so pleased you found all the info helpful.

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