Mastermind Groups and Longevity: How long will it live?
The Success Alliance


How Long Will Your Mastermind Group Live?

Many mastermind group facilitators are concerned about starting mastermind groups for fear that it will be a lifelong commitment. Others are afraid to start a group that lasts only a month.

Never fear: there are no mastermind group police haunting the hallways, keeping track of how long your mastermind group stays together. I’ve been in mastermind groups that have stayed together for only 60 days (on purpose), and I’ve been in groups that met monthly for nine years.

How long do you want it to last?

First, decide long you would like to run your mastermind group. Can you, as the facilitator, commit to 60 days? Longer? Some mastermind group facilitators are invigorated by short sprint mastermind groups, while others love the intimacy and intensity of a long-term group.

Next, think about your prospective members. What are they willing to commit to? And how much time do you think they’ll need to accomplish their goals as part of your mastermind group?  You can always start with a short commitment and then vote to continue the group after the first commitment period has passed.

At the very minimum…

I suggest that the minimum time should be four to six meetings. You need time to connect to one another, to form trust, respect and rapport.

If you go for a short-term group, meet more often — perhaps once a week or every other week — in order to build relationships among members. This gives you plenty of time to get to know one another, to mastermind together, set goals, make plans, and implement those plans towards success.

If your members have long-term goals

Many of my mastermind group members have both short- and long-term goals. So, my personal preference is for mastermind groups to meet once a month, for at least a year. This gives your members time to plan and implement large goals: real, measurable steps to success in their personal and professional life. Everyone will see progress and success during the course of that year.

While a 60-day or 90-day group might be okay for a short project, a year-long mastermind group will give your members time to think about success in all areas of their lives and make some major changes. A year-long group will help members dig deeper into problems, solve them, and unravel the places where challenges persist. It allows for everyone to support each other and hold each other accountable as well.

What about commitment and showing up?

Whether you decide to meet together for two months or twelve months (or more!), commitment is key. Every member has to make the commitment to the full duration of the mastermind group. Pay close attention to commitment issues, as well as the other reasons why mastermind groups fail.

I think there is a natural lifecycle to groups, so don’t blame yourself if your group starts to break apart. Take time to share thoughts and feelings about how the mastermind group helped each member, and perhaps have a final meeting to officially close the group and move on.

Want to learn how to start a mastermind group? Click here to get my free video tutorial on how to create a mastermind group of your own.

2 thoughts on “How Long Will Your Mastermind Group Live?”

  1. Paul Wirth says:

    Hi Karyn, another great article. I agree that groups have a lifecycle – some longer, some shorter. I developed a group that lasted 18 months. While I hoped it would last longer, the group comprised of CEOs in one industry from non-competing business lines. Gaining momentum with new members was hard since it was within a specific geographic. So, the make-up of the members is also key to longevity. A lesson learned.

    1. Karyn Greenstreet says:

      Paul, was/is your group always open to new members? Or did you keep this group “closed” — which might give it a natural lifecycle?

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