Is your individual mastermind group member, private client or student struggling in your program? Are they falling short to the point that they’re dropping out? Unfortunately, you will run into […]
One of the major benefits of belonging to a mastermind group is accountability. In each meeting, you share your goals, milestones and tasks with the group. Your group helps keep […]
Is a mastermind group all work and no play? Nope! The social aspects of mastermind groups should not be overlooked, as they reap huge rewards for everyone involved. As a […]
Learn how to design, market, and fill your mastermind groups.>
Work privately with me in a small group setting to design a mastermind group your audience wants to join.
Create a savvy plan for marketing and finding prospective members. This hands-on virtual workshop is focused on the business and marketing aspects of creating your group and getting new members.