Marketing Your Mastermind Group Archives
The Success Alliance

Category: Marketing Your Mastermind Group

Do you have just one final seat in your mastermind group to fill? It can be nerve-wracking to have a group “almost full,” and the start date coming up quickly. […]

Many mastermind group facilitators try to fill a 15-person group, often ending up in hot water because they can’t find the 15 people to join at the same time. Build […]

By Karyn Greenstreet

This year, I explored and experimented with some new marketing ideas to see what works. I’m happy to report these six fresh ideas for your marketing that you can use […]

The psychology of pricing

By Karyn Greenstreet

You’ve often heard that pricing is an art and a science. Truthfully, it’s mostly a science — neuroscience to be exact: how our old, reptilian brain processes our decision-making. Neuroscientists […]

Leap year logo

By Karyn Greenstreet

When we think of branding, we instantly think of branding for products, right? Let me tell you a story about the importance of good brand design when launching a new service. […]

Trends in Mastermind Groups

By Karyn Greenstreet

Over the past few months, I interviewed and listened to over 115 people, asking them about their mastermind groups. I’ve synthesized everything and here is The State of Mastermind Groups […]

Are you too salesy

By Karyn Greenstreet

One of my mastermind members expressed a concern last month that he would come across as “too salesy” when he spoke with prospective clients. And certainly, we’ve all had bad […]

A bit of advice – you will have some prospective members who have concerns about how much training they get with your mastermind group or membership program. They wonder, “How […]

People networking

By Karyn Greenstreet

Word-of-mouth referrals are a very strong way to build your business, both for selling services as well as products. In this blog post, I’ll focus on using referrals for selling services […]

Do you understand why prospective clients don’t sign up for your mastermind group, workshop or coaching program? You’ve design an amazing mastermind group (or a winning class, or a brilliant […]

Mastermind Group Success Starts Here

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