Mastermind Group Blog - The Success Alliance
The Success Alliance


Are you too salesy

By Karyn Greenstreet

One of my mastermind members expressed a concern last month that he would come across as “too salesy” when he spoke with prospective clients. And certainly, we’ve all had bad […]

A bit of advice – you will have some prospective members who have concerns about how much training they get with your mastermind group or membership program. They wonder, “How […]

In theory, members tell us exactly what help they need in their prep form. But why isn’t that working for some members? Here’s a case study about one recent Hot […]

Napoleon Hill on Mastermind Groups

By Karyn Greenstreet

What did Napoleon Hill have to say about Mastermind Groups? Napoleon Hill wrote and taught extensively for decades. Throughout his career, he advocated the use of mastermind groups as a […]

Mastermind groups are an extraordinary way to help you accomplish success is your personal and business life. But I’ve seen too many mastermind groups fail, falling off the face of […]

People networking

By Karyn Greenstreet

Word-of-mouth referrals are a very strong way to build your business, both for selling services as well as products. In this blog post, I’ll focus on using referrals for selling services […]

You want to join a mastermind group, but don’t know where to start looking for one, right? Mastermind groups are everywhere; you just need to know where to find them. […]

Part of our role as mastermind group facilitators, coaches, and consultants is to help your clients who feel stuck and can’t make a decision. In a recent mastermind group meeting, […]

Do you understand why prospective clients don’t sign up for your mastermind group, workshop or coaching program? You’ve design an amazing mastermind group (or a winning class, or a brilliant […]

Target audience niche audience

By Karyn Greenstreet

A step-by-step guide to determine your target audience and niche market Many small business owners are confused about their target audience and their niche market. Here’s an exercise I do […]

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